This is a class I teach for Reno Friends Meeting, but it is open to anyone who would like to attend, free of charge. I put it online when Covid hit. These are helpful practices for body, mind and spirit and are great for reducing stress. They are designed to help you move mindfully and with ease and balance. Movements and stretches are gentle and easy so anyone can do them. They can be done in a chair if standing is difficult for you.
Here are links to the full 60-minute practice. I recommend you download the videos to your computer for optimal playback.
Beginning Video:
Advanced Video:
If you want to work on a specific form or pose, here are the individual videos breaking them down (not all forms and poses are included):
Individual Forms and Poses Videos:
I offer this class on Zoom on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 a.m. PST. If you would like to attend, send me an email at and I will add you to my mailing list. In the summer months, I sometimes teach a bonus class at Lake Park in Reno, Nevada.
The class draws upon Tai Chi/Qigong and yoga practices with the intention of embodying the Light in our physical bodies and our daily lives. Friends (Quakers) believe there is that of the Divine Light (also known as prana in yoga and chi in Tai Chi/Qigong) in everyone and we seek to bring that Light into the world through our thoughts, words and actions. Learn about becoming a clearer vessel for the Light, clearing blocks, releasing tension, being present in the moment, feeling the flow of inner energy, and improving balance and breathing. These practices are also helpful in decreasing back, muscle and joint pain, improving leg strength and balance, loosening tight muscles, and increasing cardiovascular fitness. The practice begins with standing forms and moves into easy mat or chair yoga, ending with a closing relaxation and meditation.
I do this practice every morning. I find it helps me to wake up my body, reminds me that I am a spiritual being having a physical life, and opens me to being a clearer channel for Light. It can also be helpful to do this practice at night to relax before sleeping. I often will do one or two forms/poses during the day to stretch tight muscles or bring needed relaxation and focus when I have become overwhelmed and stressed. I wrote this blog for Reno Friends on the history of my own practice:
Below you will find the sequence with and without instructions which you can print out and use as a reference. There is also a sound recording of the Savasana and Chakra Lighting Meditation.
May this practice bring you peace, balance, ease, and joy.
Namaste (the Light in me sees and honors the Light in you and our Oneness with the Divine). Namaste is the traditional ending salutation in yoga. It is accompanied by the gesture of bringing our hands to our hearts in prayer position and bowing our heads to one another.
The Sequence
Below you will find the sequence of forms and poses without instructions. Please print for your reference.
The Sequence with Written Instructions
Below you will find the sequence of forms and poses with instructions. Please print for your reference.
For the Savasana and Chakra Lighting Meditation, lie back on your mat or towel in Corpse Pose. Two versions are shown in the photos below, one with a bolster and one without. Use the bolster if your back needs support to avoid cramping.

Savasana & Chakra Lighting Meditation
Below you will find the visual handout of the Chakra Lighting Meditation paired with the Quaker Testimonies. Please print for your reference.
I hope you have enjoyed this class ~~ Namaste
I also want to share with you my friend Elaine’s beautiful meditations, which you can find here, recorded in her soothing voice:
These meditations are part of Elaine’s book called Everyday Soul Dances–A Guide to Soulful Living in the Midst of Uncertain Times. Elaine was a psychotherapist for nearly 50 years and the wisdom of her years of experience shines through every chapter. I particularly enjoy the Contemplations she offers at the end of each one. This is a unique time for personal reflection and healing during this “extended retreat”, as Elaine likes to call our mutual efforts to flatten the curve of COVID-19. Her book has become a constant and comforting companion on the journey.
If this class inspires you to learn more about Qigong, Tai Chi, and yoga, see those sections on the Resources page of this website. It will give you the source materials and teachers who taught me. In the yoga section you will find my favorite yoga poses. The Yoga Journal site is a good place to find instruction for the poses.