Preparing for Death

This passage comes for us all, yet we don’t talk about how to prepare for this most mysterious and awesome time in our lives. What follows are resources I found helpful in my work as a Hospice Support Counselor and while sitting beside those who are transitioning out of their physical bodies. I hope what you find here will ease your fears, provide comfort, answer questions and hopefully inspire you to live fully before dying! I know this has been the main gift given to me by the dying.

One of my favorite books on the subject is Who Dies? by by Stephen and Ondrea Levine. Stephen has also written A Year to Live.

Here are recordings of some of Stephen & Ondrea’s other beautiful meditations out of Who Dies?:

Letting Go Meditation:

Self-Forgiveness Meditation:

Pain Meditations:

Other Books I Found Helpful:

On Death & Dying and the Wheel of Life by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Advice on Dying and Living a Better Life by The Dalai Lama

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom