Email Update #5 – Day 9

Dearly Beloved,

I passed my one week anniversary yesterday! Yay! To celebrate I spent 2 hours in physical therapy and have been recovering ever since! What I learned: When the PT gives you an exercise to do and says to do it 10 times, 2 sets, that does not mean do it for the whole 15 minutes until she come back. It means do the sets and then rest! By the time I was done, I’d fatigued my muscles so much I could hardly walk out on my walker. Oops! Live and learn. So, today I’m tired and sore, but still doing my 2x daily PT exercises.

I also learned that I can move the hip in a greater range of motion than I’d thought. This is helping me to stretch it and get it moving again, so it feels looser and stronger today.

Scott has set up a little home PT room for me in our guest bedroom and it works great! We even have an obstacle course made of coffee mugs in the hallway!

I would say I’m on my way to recovery now. But it is taking most of what I have to get through the day and do these 2 rounds of PT. This hip replacement business is hard work, lucky I’m retired!

Scott continues to be a saint and Theo a snuggle kitty. The weather has turned Indian Summer warm and I can see the leaves turning on the trees. I’m a lucky lady, indeed. This is a perfect spot for recovery, with a great family, neighbors and friends and a cozy home.

Thank you all for your supportive communiques! They make my days and give me inspiration and encouragement when I get tired of the pain and discouraged by the limitations. I remind myself that these things take time and this too shall pass. And then I will walk strong on my new hip (well at least on one side).

Scott and I made an interesting discovery the other day. Looking at my hips, we noticed I now have one girl hip and one boy hip. My right hip is out and up higher than my left, so I have a big hip with a waist on that side and on my left I’m still straight up and down! What a trip!

I hope this finds all of you well and that you are finding pleasure in the simple joys of life. I hold you all in my heart and thank you again for being here in such beautiful ways for me.

Much Love, Rhonda