My Second Consultation

Yesterday, Scott and I met with Dr. Shukla’s assistant, Davis. He explained all they would do and reassured us 1) there is plenty of bone surrounding the acetabulum to work with, but they can graft if they need to and will use screws to secure the cup 2) they do 30-40 hips a month and 10% are dysplastic, so this is not an extremely unusual surgery for them 3) you didn’t wait too long–we always wait until you can’t walk and have pain even at rest if you try (especially at night), so this is the exact perfect moment to do this 4) we will not do the left one until it gets to this point 5) what you have done in taking good care of yourself has prolonged the life of your hips, not the other way around 6) these are rated 25-30 years, the plastic liner is what will wear out and may need replacing 7) to prolong its life, limit impact activity–swim, bike, health rider; don’t overdo walking or hiking 8) keep your weight down.

So, I came away feeling much better and reassured that it is all perfect and this is the right team. I did ask him if they were the best on staff and he said, “Yes, that’s why you were sent to us.” He was absolutely confident and very matter-of-fact. Scott loved him! I will be limited in my activities for about 6 weeks and on a walker for two weeks. I should be able to drive around 4 weeks.