Dearly Beloved,
I’m back home and oh so much better than last time! This is more what I’d expected the first time–minimal pain and disability, easily manageable. I am so grateful! As you know, I was dreading another tough rehab. This time they didn’t have to use the zip tie (cable) around my femur and I’m feeling like that is the difference.
This time I was very calm and I had a feeling it would be better. Most of you shared that same sense. I’m so happy we were all right! See the power of positive group intention!
I seemed to come out of the anesthesia and all the meds they give you at the hospital much better this time. I was clear almost immediately in post-op recovery. My experience was that I was out one minute and back the next with a new hip and very minimal pain. This time they gave me 5 mg oxycodone, instead of 10 and that worked better. But, my blood pressure was still too low to get me up for much of the night. Luckily it wasn’t in the danger zone this time and I didn’t need oxygen. So it was a much better night in the hospital.
I was home by noon yesterday. At 3:00, a nice lady came by with this really fun piece of medical equipment! It is a unit for circulation and icing and it is so cool (pun intended). It wraps around my hips and circulates cool water to reduce inflammation, while it also compresses the surgical site to keep blood flowing. It also has calf attachments that squeeze my calves to improve circulation as well. This means I don’t have to spend the day with my nose below my toes, which is much more conducive to things like writing emails! Plus, it feels so good. I attached a photo of it.

I also attached a video of me walking after I got home yesterday–one day after surgery. Amazing. I couldn’t even consider walking without the walker for the first several days last time… (Since I can’t load the video directly into the blog, I added it to the Google photos link with all the other videos: Rhonda’s Hip Adventure Videos.)
I want to thank all of you for your thoughts, love, support and prayers during this time. It means so much to me. I have again felt buoyed by your good wishes right over the hump of this surgery.
Since I am able to use my laptop, and I have the blog set up, I’m going to switch over to that format to keep you posted. Then I am not inundating your mail boxes with things like videos :-).
The blog can be found at If you want me to add you to the new blog post email list, let me know. That way you’ll get a brief message letting you know when I post with the link included.
Much Love to you all,
Rhonda, aka the Bionic Woman